A key action in the execution of the Beyond PMSA Strategy is to understand the Letters Patent in detail and the legal options available to us. To this end, we have engaged legal firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
This first step is critical to defining our best course of action, so any financial assistance you can provide, particularly prior to Christmas, is greatly appreciated. The advice of Corrs Chambers Westgarth will mean we are better able to understand the next requirements from a legal perspective. The generosity of the Beyond PMSA community will ensure we continue to make progress towards achieving our vision of world’s best practice governance for our much-loved schools.
If you would like to make a donation via direct deposit, our bank account details are:
Account Name: BeyondPMSA Pty Ltd
BSB: 124-001
Account Number: 22659177
Put your name or phone number in the reference or leave blank to remain anonymous.
Other ways you can make an anonymous donation include:
Deposit cash, a Bank Cheque or Money Order (Post Office) made payable to “Beyond PMSA Pty Ltd” directly into the Beyond PMSA Pty Ltd account at a Bank of Queensland branch (BSB: 124001 Account: 22659177) or Bank@Post (locations can be found here: You may be asked to complete a deposit form with depositor's details, however, you are not required to if you are depositing cheques or money orders. Please note Austrac Threshold Transaction Reporting obligations for cash deposits of $10,000 or more (
Post a Bank Cheque or Money Order (Post Office) made payable to “Beyond PMSA Pty Ltd” to P.O. Box 745, Spring Hill Qld 4004.
Please note your donation is not tax deductible. All donated funds received will be used by Beyond PMSA Pty Ltd for the sole purpose of pursuing the stated objectives of Beyond PMSA that are outlined on this website. Please note that we are establishing an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld) and that donations are intended to be transferred to that entity. For complete transparency, annual financial reports will be prepared for both entities and will be made available to any member upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact us at