Who are the PMSA?
The Presbyterian and Methodist School's Association was formed almost 100 years ago under a Letters Patent by the Presbyterian and (now) Uniting Churches.
The following reporting lines gives an idea of how the Councillors are selected, and what they control. The example uses Somerville House, and shows the Somerville House Foundation sits outside their direct influence as a separate legal entity.

What is important to note is how the councillors are selected. At the moment, it is via powerbrokers within the 2 churches. It is not based on modern day good governance principles, instead - an old boys style network. These 15 preside over a near $100m empire, are 'volunteers', and dont have the appropriate skills to match the needs of their schools.
Where are the educators?
These PMSA Councillors do not include an educator, instead an Architect, lawyers (with property focus), medico's, and aged care specialists.
Is the business of the PMSA property, aged care, or Christian education of minors?
Visit the PMSA's website and refer to each councillor's linked in profile to get an idea of how long they have been on the councils. For instance, Jackie Macpherson has been a PMSA councillor for 25yrs, and Chairs the BBC School Council. One could argue that she has immense control over BBC, and should child safety issues be raised... how would they be dealt with?
Your school
Please take the time to review your school council.
At present, Mr Jim Demack is Chair of Somerville House School Council AND PMSA Councillor. The website continues to refer to Mr Ian Macdonald (Ind) https://www.somerville.qld.edu.au/about-us as still serving alongside Dr Russell Bird (Ind). It also includes two hastily added PMSA representatives Mr Greg Rodgers Mr Richard Niessl (which also happen to be PMSA Councillors).
Beyond PMSA asks - where is the Independence of school councils, and what about good governance principles?
Ian Macdonald commented at the inaugural town hall meeting that the PMSA "is like a self licking ice cream".