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Beyond PMSA Governance Review Update

Yesterday, the PMSA published a governance review update. It seems that the AICD have completed their review and the PMSA has the report. (Along with the Chesterman review findings from 2017/2018)

The main objective of the review is to guide the PMSA, so that they can “build solid governance foundations for the future”.

The recommendations are to be examined by the PMSA with the AICD on the 13th of August, with timings and an action plan to be developed by the PMSA on the 27th of August.

In September, a summary of the AICD report will be made public with an implementation schedule.

The PMSA is committed to continuing their open communication.

What does Beyond PMSA think?

1. Big Expectations - we represent an astute community that knows every inch of this debate. They understand the issues in play, and they are smart enough to know what will work.

We have BIG expectations for genuine reform to come out of the PMSA meeting on the 27th August.

We will NEVER sit back and allow the overwhelming need for a material overhaul of PMSA governance to be diluted to an exercise in “window dressing”. After almost 10 months, it must surely be clear that the community which Beyond PMSA proudly represents is populated in vast numbers by highly educated, articulate and motivated parents, staff, students, past alumni and donors who have exceptionally high aspirations for our schools. They will KNOW what type of solution they are being fed - well before the chef has a chance to plate it up, dress it with garnish and serve it with a side salad.

2. Announced outcomes WILL be dissected, analysed and debated in great detail if required.

Let’s face it. We all hope to be pleasantly surprised, for a change, in late August. (Goodness knows Beyond PMSA would appreciate the extra sleep!) But make no mistake - the announced outcomes from the PMSA’s August meetings WILL be dissected, examined and assessed by Beyond PMSA and discussed by the community in GREAT detail both prior to and at our upcoming Town Hall meeting in September (date to be announced).

If the outcome is not a robust and three dimensional response to the litany of problems that have beset PMSA schools over many decades (and which have been very well documented since last year) then the PMSA’s self-managed “governance review” process will have been an epic failure and the community will have wasted precious months in providing further accommodation to the PMSA to complete it.

3. PMSA must “own” its decisions - because AICD “ain’t a ‘get out of jail free’ card"

If the announced response from the AICD process is underwhelming, then the community must never accept (and Beyond PMSA will never tolerate on behalf of its thousands of supporters), excuses that the PMSA is simply implementing the advice of consultants on these important issues.

The AICD review can never be a “get out of jail free” card - under any circumstances. The PMSA has a duty to take ownership of this incredible “once in a century” responsibility - because we haven’t all gone down this arduous and emotional pathway to “tick a box” and move on!!

4. Making responsible decisions may also require the PMSA to reject AICD recommendations that don’t go far enough to address community concerns.

The adequacy of any decisions arising from the AICD report is the SOLE responsibility of the PMSA. To be clear, that may also mean rejecting any recommendations that don’t go far enough and having the courage and foresight to go further, if that is the right thing to do.

The PMSA must read and adequately respond to the tone of community expectation when making these assessments. So we implore the PMSA to “raise the bar” and be courageous. What better lesson to teach our students than to lead by example on these most important of issues so that they may have similar courage in all that they do in their lives.

5. Excellence in governance still rests on two fundamental and immovable principles.

Beyond PMSA is adamant that excellence in governance can only start with: (1) the removal of the Letters Patent and (2) dramatically increased structural and operational and autonomy for our schools. Other aspects of reform are important, but pale in comparison and substance.

So our message to the PMSA is clear, - EVOLVE to become a strategic board focused on a joint Christian mission, not an operational one. Let the wonderful administrative and teaching staff at our schools do what they are unquestionably qualified to do (and what the PMSA is not), - to make informed decisions about the operation of our schools that are in the best interests of students, staff and their school communities as a whole, without the constant and recurring curse of unqualified oversight looming above them. After all, that’s management 101 in the 21st Century. (Ironically, it’s also a great way to keep, motivate and attract quality staff, encourage innovation, build commitment, enhance collaboration, reverse enrollment leakage, minimise costs and avoid costly and recurring legal claims - just to name a few).

6. Be all that you can be, not just what you see in the mirror!

And so to our quote:

The same logic can be applied to this debate. We have great schools with wonderful spirit, but we can’t remain where we ARE, nor can we afford to continue to “preserve” how we are presently viewed by other “customers” scouring a marketplace filled with competitors. Let’s raise the bar so high that our schools and their governing body BECOME something so aspirational that every other private school in Australia will seek to emulate us! All it takes is honest introspection and courage.

Beyond PMSA is committed to demanding excellence in good governance for our beloved schools.

We will not be going anywhere until this occurs.

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